Discover the Power of Your Personality
Be true to your self, be true to your type
There never has been and never will be another you
Discover yourself, and unlock your genius! To be yourself, you have to know yourself.
Dive deep into your personality, where the key to your unique genius lies.
Wondering how you can best contribute to this world?
It starts with understanding who you are.
Jungian Typology, new and improved
Most of us are familiar with the terms “introvert” and “extravert.” But did you know that these terms were first coined by Swiss psychologist C. G. Jung in 1921? He described three polarities, or pairs of opposites, in the personality.
THe Power of Polarities
An Innovative Method to Transform Individuals, Teams and Organizations.
Based on Carl Jung's Theory of the Personality.
What explains extraordinary human achievement? When things are achieved against all odds? Whether you are an individual, team or organization, the key to human achievement lies in opening yourself up to introspection: Who am I? What am I good at? What do I want to do with my life? How can I get there? (and if you are a team or organization, just replace "I" with "We").
Next, understand the polarities in the personalities of yourself and others. The secret behind the power of polarities is that paradoxically they are intended to harmonize, not polarize. Their purpose is to balance, not disrupt each other. They then become an infinite inner source of growth and renewal that can be accessed by anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Great achievements are grounded in the ability to harness the power of polarities and cover all the bases of the personality.
This book uses a novel interpretation of Carl Jung’s personality types to help you discover the answers to these questions. It will help you to:
Understand your personality and its development
Thrive in life's significant roles and relationships.
Find the key to your genius
Understand and take responsibility for your limitations
Live your life with intention and have authentic impact
Gain a sense of purpose, meaning and belonging
Change and forge your destiny
Be the best you can at what you do
"This book is a lively and serious contribution to the literature on Jung's psychological types theory and its practical application. The emphasis on polarities is fundamental and salutary."
Jungian Analyst, Author and former President of the International School of Analytical Psychology.
Robert Johnson, Jungian Analyst and Author passed away in 2018 at age 97. He was a mentor and a friend to me. To honor his life and work, I am posting an interview I conducted with him in 1995
By John van der Steur
Knowing your true type is valuable life knowledge.
What am I good at? What tends to be a struggle? How am I different?
Here's a great exercise for you.
By John van der Steur
No matter where you are in life,think about creating a Masterpiece. Something new and meaningful which was not there before.
By John van der Steur
As the parent of a 10 and 12 year old, I have noticed how math tutoring is a lucrative business in the city of Austin where we live.
Is there a relationship between type and math proficiency?
By John van der Steur
Apocalyptic visions and dystopian worldviews are increasingly expressed in books, movies, and in the (social) media.
What is their typological background?
By John van der Steur
Article by Dr. Betty van Baaren, American Jungian Analyst who practiced in the Netherlands from the late 70s to early 90s.
She had been trained at the Jung Institute in Zurich.
In this article, she looks at the hurricanes from her youth in Alabama not only from a literal and factual point of view but also from a symbolic point of view.
Jung's Psychological Types
1. Perception
Perceiving Polarity
Purpose: Gather information. Discovering facts using the 5 senses (Sensation), or possibilities using the imagination (Intuition).
2. Decision
Judging Polarity
Purpose: Make decisions. Either with the heart (Feeling) or with the head (Thinking).
3. Orientation
Attitudinal Polarity
Purpose: Connect the inner and outer world through reflection (Introversion) and interaction (Extraversion).